Hi everyone! Welcome to A Pyromancer's Say! While your here you can see some of my Wizard101 comics,read The Drake Wars fan-fiction, or just look at the randomness I write lol. Also I have a Contest going on right now, so look at one of the posts below to see it. I hope you enjoy this blog and have a nice day :).

Friday, June 22, 2012

A very cool Wizard101 commercial :P

Hey Guys! Today I just wanted to show you this new wizard101 commercial. I have to say, the animations are spot on and are really good looking lol. So here it is:

Tell me how you like it in the comments :)

Happy Magiking!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Huge Pirate101 sneak peek!

Hey guys! Mr.J.Todd Coleman released another big sneak-peek on Facebook! Supposedly this is the question asked that determines your pirate class!

(click to enlarge)
So this is what dialogue in Pirate101 in look like lol. I really like the way "No" and "Yes" is "Nar" and "Yar" lol.

Well Happy Magiking :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Unknown areas in the Spiral(Spiral Jigsaw post)

Hello fellow wizards! Today I have a Spiral Jigsaw post :). I wanted to Discuss Unknown areas in the Spiral. I'm not talking about new worlds, I am talking about areas in already discovered worlds that are not used. This is going to be Picture-Caption post btw. And just click to enlarge any of the photos :).

Wizard City

Lets start In Wizard city, Shall we? One of the first areas that I wanted to talk about was "The Restricted Sections" of the library. It looks seemingly like a long dark hallway illuminated every few feet by blue lamps and has statues of unicorn's heads. I remember when I first started playing Wizard101 Boris Tallstaff used to stand right there. He said something like "You are not allowed to go there, Young Wizard" I believe. There are 3 or 4 "corridors" of restricted books I believe. I wonder if eventually we will be able to access the "restricted section". I also want to make note of the "book transporting system" at the right of the picture. If you look at it they seem to go up out of the ceiling. On further inspection of the exterior I noticed that The Library actually has 2 floors and 3 towers. Maybe those will be accessible in the future.

This is just a random picture I took of the painting lol. It is a pig that is being painted like a Mona Lisa, but It doesn't look like the Pigswick pigs or the Mooshu Pigs, so I assume there is another Pig related world. Pigs have a lot to do with Wizard101 lol.

Now I noticed these 2 doors on the 2nd floor of the library, and I wonder if this is the entrance's to 2 of the towers.

In Olde Town next to Baldur Goldpaw's ship is an unused Tower. There is one near it that houses Foulgaze, so I wonder if this tower will make an appearance in a later quest.

This is another random picture lol, but this time was just to share the view :)

This is another unused Tower in Wizard city. I bet that in a later quest it will make an appearance.

Now in the Haunted cave, you've probably seen the Death school marked cage-like cave next to Stormdrain tower. I used to think that this was an entrance to Nightside when I was a smaller level lol, but I don't think so anymore. Its not just like some random tower though, this couldn't just be here for aesthetics. I bet that it will either play a role in the Main Morganthe storyline, or be a part of a Death school spell quest.

This is another great view I found behind Storm drain tower. Enjoy :D


This is pretty much the only picture I have for Krokotopia lol. I think most of you know the special teleporter in the Oasis that opens up every half hour to take you to the Shopping island. I took this picture from their lol. Anyway, You can see the Island over there. It has no use currently I believe, but I want all of you to remember the words that the boss at the top of Briskbreeze tower said, Krokotopia was next. Even though Briskbreeze Tower was introduced a few years back, I still think that's what that tower could be used for. Or it could be a Shopping island just like this one, because looking at the architecture on it, it looks like one of the shops down below.


Just one picture for Marelybone lol. This is Barkingham Palace, home of the Queen of Marelybone. It does not have any purpose at present, but I believe that it could be in a later quest. 


Another Single picture lol. Anyway, there are towers like this all around Mooshu that are unused. I know that a boss fight can happen in each because if you watched my latest youtube video you might have noticed that Mika Skarka was in one of these. They look really cool though :P


Dragonspyre is an interseting place. They have a lot of areas which are not accessible. This is a random house on the street, but I know that NPC can be inside because in the Drake Hatchery I believe you go inside one of them and help a ghost.

This is a picture of the Grand chasm in the present. All those vault's could have Boss's in them.

Same thing for here.

This is another house except surrounded by a lava pool. What I don't understand is that why would the walkway be there before the destruction of DS, as it seems to be built before the Dragon Titan destroyed everything.

Now this is a picture of those big courtyard areas at the end of the streets. I know bosses could be inside these because The level 78 spell quest boss called the Hoarder was located in one of these.

This is another random house. LOL

This is a picture of another Courtyard.


Now even though there is only picture for Celestia, it is a interesting one. Now as some of you know, some of the areas in Celestia are marked by a door with dots. I don't know which is which at the moment but it goes like One, Two Three, and Four. Now this is the Fourth door, but It doesn't have any use. If this Door Four is somehow opened, it doesn't seem like it would have a simple boss fight in there. As all the other dotted and numbered doors open up to actual areas, I wonder if this does too.


In Zafaria there isn't a lot of unknown areas, but the ones I found were interesting nonetheless. Above you see what appears to be the statue of a Gorilla in Baobab Crossroads. Now I want to just point out that next to the Savannah gate there is a Lion statue, Next to the Zamunda Gate there is a Zebra statue, and next to the gate to the Baobab Market there is a Elephant statue. The statues correspond to the areas they live in, lions live in the Savannah, Zebra's live in Zamunda, and Elephants live in Stone town/ Waterfront. Gorillas live in the Drum jungle, but This statue is not near any gate to the Drum Jungle. Its just there lol. I believe that KI will put the gate next to it eventually, because at the moment it takes quite a hike to get to the Drum jungle( Through Baobab Market, Through Stone Town, and finally Through the Waterfront).

Inside Boabab Market there is a building next to the Stone Town Boat "Gate". It doesn't serve any purpose at the moment, but I assume that its a trading building of some sort, as 

1. It looks like Stone town architecture, and Stone Town is a big trade area.
                         2. It is right next to the river      
I also want to point out that the Monkee(Thats how its spelled lol) for Zeke's quest is right behind the building ;)


If you look at the Wysteria map, you might notice that we are not being shown the whole world. Around Pigswick academy these gates are found. They look just like the gates that is opened to get to Pegasus Place. I wonder that in a later update they will expand on Wysteria.

Another gate :)

Well that's it lol, these are all the hidden place I could find lol. Feel free to find some more and tell me, and I will update this post ;). 

Happy Magiking!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mooshu is a chain of islands?

Hey guys, this is a quick post about a picture  Mr. J. Todd. Coleman put on his Facebook page.

(click to enlarge)

I don't have anything else to say except that this is awesome news, and that the picture looks awesome lol

Happy Magiking!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Hey guys ;) I wanted to say happy father's day to all the Dads in the Spiral :D. My Dad has always helped me, and I am thankful for it :D.

Happy Magiking!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wizards Unite

Hey guys! :D You might have noticed the Wizards unite Badge at the bottom right of this Blog. Wizards unite is an awesome site that I have partnered up with. Its pretty cool already, with a weekly newsletter, forums, and other good stuff! I just wanted to make this post to tell you about it :P. You can find it here!

Thanks, and Happy Magiking!

P.S something Spiral Jigsaw related is coming to you in the next few days :D

Friday, June 15, 2012

New Wizard101 Video

Hey guys :) I just wanted to say that I posted a new Wizard101 video up on youtube :).

Thanks :)

Happy Magiking!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Hey guys, this is just a short update post about us getting 7000 views!

Happy Magiking!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blogerversary Party Review! And Winners of all the contests!

Hey Guys :D

Talon here with a review of our first Blogerversary party! All the Contest winners are inside this post ;). The Raffle winner is at the bottom, and I made a twist to the contest that is awesome :D

First off a lot of Wizards showed up, even some blogs, including Deathy WizEdward Lifegem , and probably lots of other's I am missing lol. If I missed yours, please comment on this post and I will add it :). Anyways, it was very chaotic lol. But I eventually got everyone :D.

Me, Edward Lifegem and Jordan Shadow Wraith dominating in Pvp :)

Jordan Critically on a vampire lol

ouch ;)

Me judging pet contest stat winners :) The winner was Jordan Shadowwraith who will take home 5 Hydra Hoard Packs, and the Winner for the Aesthetics was Kyle Firesword, who will also take home 5 Hydra Hoard Packs. In all honesty, I think everyone's pet looked amazing :)

Playing Tag

Playing some more tag :) Austin Moon won the Tag contest and will take home 5 KI free game codes! 

Playing the Scavenger hunt game :D I am really bad at it lol

Though the Sherlock Transformation is cool :)

I found a Sock monkey!

Do you know where any of Zeke's friends are Mr. Gorrilla?

Found another one :D

O well, Congrats to Benjamin DragonHeart, who doesn't take home any prizes, but is still a Scavenging champ lol 

Ya, I really am pretty bad at Scavenger hunt lol

Maybe I will win?

Maybe?(It turned out I didn't :P)

A view of the Party room

Duke Teddy is the bar tender. Personal Hygiene isn't his thing lol.

LOL he is so funny looking :P.

Now this is a Group photo we took and I just added in some words :)

(Click to Enlarge)

I'm thinking of adding it as a Header lol. The party was really fun lol, and I want to thank everyone who came :)

Anyway, this is the part some of you have waited for, The Raffle Winner :) I have decided to get rid of a spare Bolt demon code I have laying around, and well, the lucky winner of this raffle gets it :) And the Winner is................... O see for yourself :) 

(Click to Enlarge)

lol so Congrats Destiny :) Have a great time with your new Bolt Demon pet which you will get in the next few days! 

Now I also want to thank everyone, who followed, came to my party, joined the raffle, anyone who actually looked at my blog for even a second, very much! If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be here :).  I can't wait to get to my Second Blogerversary lol :D. I Hope to see you all throughout my next year of blogging, and who knows, maybe we will have some more contests and Parties? ;) ( Hint, Hint)

Happy Magiking!(For one whole year I've said this lol. It don't think I've spelt it right the whole time lol)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Party Reminder

Hey guys :) Just wanted to remind you all of the party tomorrow. Starts at 5:00 PM  Central time, Port bus in the fire tower realm vampire starting at 4:45 PM Central, Look for Valdus Nightshade.


Happy Magiking!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blogerversy party rescheduled

Hey guys, I've decided to reschedule the party to this Monday. I am absolutely sure I will be able to make it. Anyway, The time will still be at 5:00 PM central time, and the port bus will still start a 4:45 PM central time. Look for Valdus Nightshade. The port bus is located in the Fire Tower realm Vampire.

Thanks and still sorry for yesterday.

Happy magiking

Friday, June 8, 2012


Hey everyone.

I'm really sorry for not being able to host the party today. Something really important came up and I was unable to log on :(. I'm sorry I let all of you down, especially the people who waited for me. I hope that we can maybe reschedule it.

Happy Magiking

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Change of design, Anyone like? And reminder to join the contests.

Lol hey Wizards, How's it going :D. As you have probably seen, the blog has been redecorated :P. Tell me how you guys like in the poll. I also wanted to remind you guys that today is the LAST day to enter the contests. Look on the previous post to see all the information.

Happy Magiking and can't wait to see you at the party tomorrow :D

Monday, June 4, 2012

First Blogoversary list of Contests!

Hey Fellow Wizards! If you haven't read my previous posts yet, I am having a Blogoversary party on Friday June 8th. It will start at 5:00 PM Central time, Port bus starting at 4:45 PM Central time in the Fire Tower Vampire realm. Look for Valdus Nightshade. Anyway, Here are all the Contests with rules for the party. Some of them will happen during the party, and some will have the prizes announced during the party. Here they are!.

Raffle- Comment on this post with your Wizards name and email address and I will let Random.org randomly pick a name from the list. There will be only a first place winner, and the prize is 5 KI free game codes.

Coolest pet- If you spend endless hours at the Hatchery trying to concoct the perfect pet, this Contest is for you! I would like to see how cool your pet is. There are two Categories for this contest; Aesthetics, which is based on how good your pet looks, and Stats, which is based on how good your pet's statistics are. If you want to join, send me an email at sghsri@yahoo.com with pictures of either your pet or the stats. Remember to equip your pet to the party if your coming, If you win your expected to have proof its your pet. There will be one prize for each category. Prizes may vary.

Tag- This game will be played during the party. It is basically the Tag game kiosk game, but the only rule is that we will only play wildfire tag. Whoever is last standing will win the prize. The Prize is 5 KI free game codes.

Dorm Room contest- decorate your dorm room to fit a summer theme! Send pictures of it to sghsri@yahoo.com . One prize for this contest, and it will vary.

Well those are the Contests, Hope to see you at the party on Friday :D

Happy Magiking, and Good luck!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Blogerversary party date change

Hey guys, I have decided to change the date of the Party to FRIDAY, JUNE 8TH 2012. Lol. This way I will have more time to prepare and the people who couldn't come before can now. Thanks :D

I will try to post the list of contests tomorrow.

Happy Magiking!

Friday, June 1, 2012

1st Blogerversary party!

Hey fellow Wizards!

 This is the surprise I was talking about! On June 3rd, last year, I started this blog. So far we have had 65 comments, 6629 page views,  71 posts, and 21 followers! We have yet to have any contests or party's, but that ends today! I have decided to have a party celebrating this blogs birthday :D. There will be lots of contests and Prizes, so come prepared to try to win :D. List of Contests with rules will be up soon. I made an Invitation with all the information, so here it is:

(Click to enlarge) 

Hope to see you there :D

Happy Magiking!


P.S What do you guys think of a new design to start our new year of blogging? And don't forget to Answer the poll :D